Shawnee County SNAP-Ed is offering
Free Nutrition Classes

Overwhelmed by Adulting? Let Us Help!

Do you qualify for free classes?

You qualify for these classes if you qualify for FDPIR, Free and Reduced Lunch Program, Head Start, Medicaid/Kancare, SNAP, TANF, TEFAP, or WIC.

You qualify if your household size and gross income (income before taxes, or other subtractions) fall below the following levels.

Household Size Monthly Gross Income
1 $1,986
2 2,686
3 3,386
4 4,086
5 4,786
6 5,486
7 6,186
8 6,886
If you qualify, please complete our simple, one minute questionnaire and someone will contact you:

Classes include 4-6 weekly lessons and can cover such topics as:

    • Basic Nutrition and Cooking Skills
    • Techniques for using what you have on hand
    • Recipes for quick, low-cost meals
    • Preventing Foodborne Illness
    • Simple ways be active
    • Buying the best for less
    • Easy food budgeting

FREE incentives for attending


Calculator, water bottle, pedometer, resistance band, pedometer/watch, hacky sack ball, jump rope, strainer, cutting board, measuring cups and spoons, spatula, veggie peeler/brush, food and fridge thermometer, jar opener, food safety magnet, spray bottle shopping bag, and magnifying tool.

Hannah Daberkow, SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator

Hannah Daberkow

Nutrition Educator, MPH